Languages: fr de en

Matthieu Freyder

Student in Data Science and AI


With a dual experience as Process Engineer and Pastor, I am now training in Data Science and AI. I am looking for a company to host my apprenticeship. I am also open to any mission allowing me to develop my skills in development and management of IT projects.

My one-page resume

Work experience


Applied Research Engineer

Research Centre of Karlsruhe-Germany (KIT/ITC) | 2004 - 2008

Reduction by primary measures of NOx emissions from the combustion of household waste in grate incinerators

  • Management of a pilot incineration plant: power 0.5 MW, waste throughput 150-300 kg/h
  • Definition of objectives, planning and conduct of measurement campaigns
  • Organisation of maintenance and modifications of the combustion chamber
  • Management of the budget, teams of technicians and control room operators
  • Continuous measurements and sampling in the combustor and flue gas outlet
  • Data processing and modelling of chemical kinetics (Chemkin) and gas flows
  • Internal collaboration with other research teams and external collaboration (industry and institutions), tutoring of Master students (Diplomarbeit).

Freelance engineer

2003 - 2004

Comparative study of 42 processes for the thermal recycling of automotive shredder residues, on behalf of the Karlsruhe Research Centre and the BASF Group.

Theology and management of associations


Église Protestante Évangélique de Bouxwiller | 2012 - 2022

The mission of the Pastor is multidisciplinary and consists in ensuring the general direction of the association, theological teaching, the celebration of services :

  • In collaboration with the president: supervision of the life of the association, management of the buildings, organisation and animation of the board of administrators, general assemblies, various meetings
  • Management and training of board members and activity sectors managers
  • Collaborative development of the association's long-term vision, organising the participation of members in the development of common goals and assisting them in achieving them
  • Organising mutual support and solidarity
  • Managing digital projects, supporting the digital transition
  • Internal and external communication, setting up and training on communication tools
  • Relations with official and religious authorities

Old Testament teacher

2018 - 2022
  • Speaker at conferences and training courses
  • Teacher at the theological workshops of the Faculté Libre de Théologie Évangélique de Vaux-sur-Seine (FLTE)
  • Tutoring of e-learning students (FLTE)
  • Auteur

Head of organisations

Le Tremplin | 2004 - 2021

Member of the board of the youth association "Le Tremplin". Vice-president, responsible for IT, intranet, web and communication. Organisation and supervision of camps.


Selection of projects carried out using my IT skills:

Training in AI development


Artificial intelligence development training project.

Networks & Systems Administration

Professional projects

For my professional and associative needs: implementation and administration of IT solutions for data protection and collaborative work.

  • Administration of data servers (based on Synology NAS)
  • Backups, synchronisation, remote access
  • Configuration of collaborative work tools (Synology Suite, Office365, Sharepoint, Teams)

Digital communication

Professional projects

To support the digital transition of organisations:

  • Website development (Joomla, Wordpress)
  • Project manager for website creation, training of teams of developers, creatives, content editors and administrators
  • Digital communication, mailings management (Mailchimp)
  • Design of digital and paper supports (Canva, Gimp bases)
  • Implementation and education on the RGPD regulation

Home automation projects

Personal projects

Implementation and configuration of home automation solutions with HomeAssistant.

  • Home automation server on Synology Virtual Machine Manager, remote access via OpenVPN
  • Monitoring, automation, sensor data acquisition with Grafana
  • Programming of ESP32 micro controllers (weather station, temperature sensor)
  • Multi-room audio server (Logitech Media Server on Docker / Squeezelite / Moode Audio / Spotty)